Years and years (and years) ago, I found a recipe for jambalaya. With a few exceptions, I realized I liked everything in the recipe and thought I should give it a try. I found about 3-4 more recipes on jambalaya, took those, tore them apart, and put them back together in what is now my own unique recipe that I am actually not 100% sure could actually be considered jambalaya, but you know what, people like it, and I enjoy making it, so.... there. If it is not actually jambalaya, someone come up with a name for it. I'm flexible.
The recipe, like many others of mine, has seen so many changes it could make your head spin, but every time I make a change, it seems to get better, so obviously I am doing something right. With the exception of writing it down for a friend of mine (to the best of my memory), I have never actually recorded or written down my recipe for this. Normally, I wing it and try to remember as I go.
BreakyCPK turned 30 this past weekend!! What better to way to celebrate than to make him my jambalaya and actually write it down so people can also make and enjoy it!

Shrimp-24 count
1 package of ground hot sausage
Hot sauce- to taste
2 teaspoons "Wing" sauce- a few tablespoons
3 Bell peppers
- Red
- Yellow
- Green
2-3 cloves of garlic-minced
hot pepper (2-3of your choosing based on how hot you like it ;)
Pinch of Brown sugar
2 cups of Chicken Stock
1 table spoon- olive oil
2-3 Cups of V8 juice
1 can of tomato paste
Rice (depending on how many people)
Big pot
Big pan
Strainer (I have something like this, and let me tell you, worth every penny)
*Disclaimer: as with all my recipes. the amount and directions are estimations, and can and should be changed depending on who you are making this for and how many people. I encourage everyone to play and change this recipe to make it truly your own..
- Dice up bell peppers and hot peppers
- Add a little olive oil in the pan
- Add minced garlic to olive oil and cook for just about a minute
- Add the bell peppers and hot peppers to the garlic and olive oil and cook until peppers are soft-ish
- Once peppers are cooked, add ground sausage
- Add hot sauce
- Once ground sausage is cooked and mixed with the bell peppers, drain the grease and set mixture aside
- Add water in a big-ish pot and bring to a boil
- At the same time, take the pan the pepper and sausage mixture was cooked in and coat the pan with butter
- Cook the shrimp until pink
- Add tomato paste
- Cook tomato paste, continuously stirring, until the paste is more brown than red
- Add about a pinch or less of brown sugar to the paste
- Once the mixture is more brown then red, add the sausage/pepper mixture to and stir in the wing sauce and cook until all is warm. Then turn off the heat
- Once the water is boiling, add the appropriate amount of rice for the number of people you are having
- After about 5 minutes, add chicken broth/stock and v8 juice
- Remember, the rice will soak up both the water and the chicken stock
- Add the complete mixture in to the big pot
- Stir occasionally, as the bigger the pot you have, the more likely the rice will fall to the bottom and burn (NOTE: THIS IS FROM EXPERIENCE!)
- Add more hot or wing sauce if necessary
- You are going to be cooking/stirring this for quite a while. You will know it is done when there is very little liquid left and the dish is pretty thick (thick enough to use a chip to eat it)
- Turn off heat, but keep stirring (you do not want this dish to burn!)
- Serve in a bowl, add a little more hot sauce if you are adventurous
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